
隐私权政策 Privacy policy

Thank you for your use and the privacy agreement applies to all products and services we provide, including but not limited to browser extensions, website, etc, in view of the importance of personal privacy, we declare that no more cross-border request too much authority.

个人信息的用途 The purpose of the personal information

The layout of your personal information as well as their own content to achieve more terminal synchronization using only.

收集的信息范围 The scope of information gathered

Information will include the page layout, component records (such as: convenient notepad content).

某些特定原因的用途 The purpose of the specific reasons

We believe that it is reasonable and necessary to disclose some of your information under the following specific circumstances:
1. Meet any applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures or enforceable government requirements.
2. Investigation of potential violations in accordance with applicable service terms.
3. Detect, prevent or otherwise solve fraud, security or technical problems.
4. To the extent required or permitted by law, prevent damage to the rights, property or safety of us, our users or the public.

信息安全说明 Information security

We will try our best to ensure the security of your information, but due to personal technology and energy problems, we cannot fully guarantee 100% security. We recommend that your password not be repeated with other important information, and do not enter important privacy content in the widget.

用户授权说明 Authorized user instructions

To use our products and services indicates that you accept this agreement.

法律适用与争议解决 Applicable law and dispute resolution

1. If you are a Chinese resident, the validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the provisions of the telecommunications administration and the specifications of the computer industry.
2. If you are not a resident of China, the validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of your place of residence.
3. All disputes arising from or in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the people's court with jurisdiction in our place of residence for litigation.
4. We confirm with you that the option to sign this agreement is completely equal and fair to both parties, that is, either party can choose to sign or not to sign this agreement without being forced. This agreement is an expression of intention elaborated by both parties after careful consideration. There is no situation where either party unilaterally increases the responsibilities of the other party or evades the obligations to be performed. Any party signing or committing to abide by this agreement shall be deemed as waiving any doubt on the fairness of this agreement.